Wednesday, 14 July 2010


I created this typeface for my final major project. It explores the boundaries of legibility. The letters have been stripped down to their most basic form where they sit right on the cusp of legibility. Only the essential parts of each letter have been kept, with the unnecessary parts discarded. The brain uses its existing knowledge of letter forms and word shapes to fill in the missing components, therefore creating something familiar to us.

Thai like Typeface - Work in Progress

On my travels last year I saw a typeface I really liked, it was really chunky and appealed to me. The only problem was that the magazine I saw it in was sent in Thai! So when I got home I used the Thai symbols from the page I ripped out in the magazine to try and reconstruct an English alphabet. This is what I came up with.


I have just done this logo for an Irish company makers of dulce de leche, a caramel like product for cooking, spreading and eating.

Friday, 7 May 2010

FMP - Work in Progress

FMP so far....

For my Final Major Project I am looking into legibility. I want to design a typeface on the right cusp of legibility

Winchester Logo

This logo was based on the tile patterns on the floor of Winchester Cathedral


This was my D&AD entry this year

I chose to do the Metro Live Brief

Fashion Show Brief

The theme was ‘eccentric heritage’. I wanted to play on the monarchy because I thought it is an import part of British heritage. I looked at Alice in Wonderland and that’s where I got the idea for the playing cards. I also wanted to play on the fact that British people are very refined and I think that is represented in the royal family. I also looked into the 1980’s punk seen where people were rebelling against a ‘Thatcher Britain’. The playing cards are very structured and the faces on the character are very refined but by altering the looks by putting in colour and changing things around it breaks that structure down.